
Green Offices & Apartments



DC Home Appliances


Centralized AC Systems



ESB, IIT Madras,
Chennai, India 600036
Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm
Sunday: Closed



Lighting, fans and electronic devices form a significant and growing portion of power-load at homes and need power back-up support in case there are frequent power-cuts. A Diesel generator is generally used today in multi-storied buildings to provide this backup. The DC GOA system, proposed, provides a far more energy-efficient alternative using renewable power-source for backup. It creates a pull for a home to move towards far more energy efficient DC loads. The solution provides a GREEN option to the existing solution.

This solution provides a fresh perspective on the problem of eliminating conversion losses for uninterrupted operation of DC appliances. A cost benefit analysis shows that this DC system can reduce costs to the consumer by eliminating the complex electronics embedded in the inversion process. A rough measurement of the conversion losses for commercially available inverters and battery chargers illustrates that gains of 30% to 45% are easily obtainable


The GOA DC system changes the paradigm from a centralized generation and distribution system of power delivery to a system, which is more decentralized and more flexible. This system is energy efficient and more compatible with the fastest growing segment of the load today: lighting, fans and electronic devices. The Solar and rectified Grid power are efficiently shared in a manner to maximize solar power usage. The new 48V DC appliances developed, such as fans and lights, are highly efficient, resulting in less than 50% power consumption as against conventional AC loads. Also, as this falls under Safety Extra-low Voltage (SELV), all the devices are safe, reducing the risk of electric shock

“We didn’t know that this was a DC powered system. Even though I am not from an electrical background, I am aware that AC consumes more power than DC appliances. When I found out that the appliances were all supported by DC power, I was shocked as there seems to be no difference between the appearance of an AC and a DC appliance.”
Shravani, Sabarmati Hostel, IIT Madras, December 2014